Passions And Chasing Your Dream

October 24th, 2021

2 minute read

Why Finding A Passion is Important

If you stay in your comfort zone, you'll just try to stay there or sink deeper into it, a bit like a sofa or a toxic ex. Being born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth, can make you complacent and less hungry to make money and succeed in your personal life. You have the luxuries already. You have pretty much all your desires met. You’re not likely to be driven. In the age of convenience, we rely on tomorrow to fix today's problem, gone are the days of grit and perseverance it's making us unhappy without us even realising it.

When it comes to passion - be a lifelong learner

Developing a curious mindset is what helped Billionaires like Bill Gates build Microsoft, its what led man to set foot on the Moon. In order to fuel this mentality, you have to be a 'Why' learner. Breaking out of the mental box that society put us in, not being satisfied with how mundane your life has become, asking the bigger questions.

From a young age, we are taught to chase the 'rewards' and 'success'. You have to study to get good grades (not to find out something interesting or to follow your curiosity). If you finish your salad, you'll get a dessert (who cares that you're not even hungry anymore). The price we start to pay for living like this are numerous:

  • Being anxious (what if I fail? What will people say?)

  • Never enjoying the moment - you rest when the job is done

  • Numbing entertainment (I work so hard, so I deserve to watch TV for hours and do nothing)

However, it isn't all doom & gloom. The rise of content creators on social media is proof that more and more people are following their passions and breaking out of societies norms. But this isn't enough, there needs to be a bigger push for this. We get into this lifestyle with the support of society, but unfortunately, getting out of it is an individual endeavour that receives very little help.

Finding your passion and making it your career isn't easy in the slightest, but surely it's worth the effort? For some reason, we have this notion that in order to love something, we need to be great at it. I propose the opposite. For many things, consistent practice is all that's needed to be good at it, then the love for that thing would follow. We owe ourselves a happy, healthy lifestyle and it won't come from chasing other peoples goals and expectations.

Your life is a book, you just don't know the ending yet. Every passing sunrise is the turn of a new page, blow off the dust and make every word count.